The grounds and Unisphere at the 1964 World's Fair in...

The grounds and Unisphere at the 1964 World's Fair in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens. Shea Stadium is at the top left. Credit: Alamy Stock Photo

Alcohol at theaters a bad combination

The State Legislature passed a bill allowing the sale of hard liquor before and during movies [“Legislation will let more movie theaters sell alcohol,” News, April 20]. Was it really necessary, especially during these days of unsurpassed anxiety and the rise in incivility?

While only one drink can be purchased at a time, there is no limit on returning for more, many more. Is it no longer possible to simply enjoy a movie quietly for about two hours without hard liquor or a beer in hand?

There’s no need to create a bar-like atmosphere in a darkened theater where patrons may include teenagers and children. Many have already shunned theater-going because of the lack of quiet and use of smartphones and texting.

Just imagine a complaining patron arguing with someone who has had too much to drink. For me, a non-teetotaler, and I suppose for many others, this will not enhance our movie experience.

I’ll have my occasional drink elsewhere and stream my movies at home.

 — Michael Lesman, Merrick

Fridays off? Here’s what I did in college

Snowflake is too kind a term for these students [“Students say no to more Friday classes,” Long Island, April 18]. When we were freshmen, my college classmates and I were in class six days a week — Monday through Saturday. Sophomore and junior years, we were in class five days a week. Hooray — no Saturday classes! Senior year, we were only in class Monday through Thursday, with Friday off to work on theses or other independent study.

In graduate school at the Post campus of Long Island University, most of us worked full time and attended class two evenings and/or Saturday morning every week.

 — Stanley Kalemaris, Melville


The mere picture of those two students in the article made my blood boil. Who are they to dictate their college’s choice to hold (a small percentage of) classes on Fridays? They come across as spoiled students who want everything their way, including participation trophies. Welcome to the real world.

I changed my major years ago, and to graduate in four years, I took night classes and summer classes, so the whining of those two falls on these deaf ears.

 — Kevin Ondrey, Glen Cove

A World’s Fair that was momentous

The New York World’s Fair 60 years ago indeed showcased dazzling inventions and international cultures [“Recalling the thrill of the ’64 World’s Fair,” Long Island, April 21]. The vivid descriptions of the exhibits captured the excitement and memories.

I was a teenager then, and I still have home movies of our family’s visit. The video phone calls were truly futuristic and now seem quaint when you consider the FaceTime capability we have today.

The importance of the 1939 World’s Fair in New York, though, was critical for my father. He came to America to attend the fair, and it saved his life.

World War II broke out on Sept. 1, 1939 after my father had arrived in June. The visit kept him in America and saved him from the Nazis and their collaborators who killed Jews in Latvia starting in 1941.

The 1964 World’s Fair reinforced the promise of America. I reflect on those thoughts every time I see the site in Queens.

My father believed you can be one-in-a-million lucky or one-in-a million unlucky. I call myself “Lucky Ludsin.”

 — Steven A. Ludsin, East Hampton

The writer was a member of the first U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council, which created the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.


The article brought back fond memories. I was a Queens College student then, and the World’s Fair became a favorite spot to take dates. My cousin met her future husband there.

My favorite rides there included the Carousel of Progress and It’s a Small World, both later transported to Disney World.

I was taking an education course at Queens College and was assigned to a junior high school. The teacher in charge of that sixth grade class took all 30 kids to the fair.

He told the children to go wherever they wanted to but be back by 3 p.m. All but two returned on time. The missing pair turned up at home. I can’t imagine a teacher today doing the same thing.

My only regret about that World’s Fair is that New York City did not make the whole park a permanent exhibit as Montreal did 57 years ago with many of the pavilions at Expo  67.

 — John Frangos, Manhasset

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