A reader proposes a way to see more For Sale...

A reader proposes a way to see more For Sale signs on Long Island. Credit: Newsday/Steve Pfost

Volunteers are key to nonprofit successes

National Volunteer Week, April 21-27, begins Sunday. Volunteers are the backbone of the nonprofit sector and expand the needed programming and impact of nonprofit organizations across Long Island.

Volunteers touch the lives of the most vulnerable and maintain a safety net for so many unable to care for themselves, particularly those who are food or housing insecure.

They also actively contribute to cultural arts, education, emergency services, environment and health, among other important aspects of community life on Long Island. While the program numbers are staggering, the economic impact is also tremendous.

Many volunteers not only contribute their time, which according to independentsector.org was valued in 2022 at $35.71 per hour in New York State, but also regularly donate to nonprofit fundraising and donate new and gently used goods they have locally purchased.

They also use their own means of transportation to get to and from volunteer assignments. The intrinsic value of volunteering is most felt within — finding a passion and living it through service brings out the best in ourselves.

It is said that “volunteering isn’t nice, it’s necessary.” So, volunteers should take a bow during National Volunteer Week and know that the consequences of their selfless acts are felt every day across Long Island.

— Diana O’Neill, Garden City

The writer is executive director of Long Island Volunteer Center.

Raise capital gains limit on house sales

One reason that so few baby boomers sell their homes is likely the potential capital-gains tax they would have to pay. The home values on Long Island have soared the past 20 years, and it’s easy to go beyond the $500,000 profit allowed before the capital-gains tax will kick in.

We should have our New York congressional delegation look to raise that $500,000 profit level to $750,000, and then more homes would likely be on the market and made available to new homeowners.

— Bob Cavaliere, Port Jefferson Station

Finish full paving at Eisenhower Park

Recently driving through Eisenhower Park in East Meadow, I noticed that the road is finally getting a long-needed resurfacing. Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman likely wants it to look nice for the cricket tournament this summer.

Every so often, though, there is a stretch of, say, 50 feet to 75 feet that was not done. So, at the edges of these adjoining areas the car goes down a bit, then back up. It appears that work is final since the edges have been sealed between the sections. The project is probably about 80% complete now.

Did Blakeman run short of funds from that $10 million the county received and wants to spend on its 125th anniversary?

Why not do it right and repave the entire road?

— Michael Lefkowitz, East Meadow

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