The Stony Brook Film Festival will offer a free online...

The Stony Brook Film Festival will offer a free online screening of "God Knows Where I Am" on July 25. The documentary, directed by Old Fields-raised brothers Todd and Jedd Wider, tells the story of N.H. mother Linda Bishop, pictured above. Credit: Staller Center for the Arts and Wider Film Projects

The Stony Brook Film Festival will reveal plans for this year’s edition in late July during a special free screening for at-home audiences.

“God Knows Where I Am,” a 2016 documentary by Old Field-raised siblings Todd and Jedd Wider, will be presented by the festival for home viewing July 25 at 8 p.m. The film tells the story of Linda Bishop, a well-educated New Hampshire mother with bipolar disorder who was committed to a state psychiatric facility for three years. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the two filmmakers hosted by actress Lori Singer, who narrates the documentary.

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The Stony Brook Film Festival will reveal plans for this year’s edition in late July during a special free screening for at-home audiences.

“God Knows Where I Am,” a 2016 documentary by Old Field-raised siblings Todd and Jedd Wider, will be presented by the festival for home viewing July 25 at 8 p.m. The film tells the story of Linda Bishop, a well-educated New Hampshire mother with bipolar disorder who was committed to a state psychiatric facility for three years. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the two filmmakers hosted by actress Lori Singer, who narrates the documentary.

The event will also include an announcement of the festival’s plans for 2020. With this year marking its 25th anniversary, Stony Brook was hoping for a major celebration with several celebrity guests. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, which has led to social distancing and the closure of movie theaters around the country, forced the festival to announce a postponement in May. The festival was originally scheduled for July 16-25.

Registration for the free screening is required at