In addition to his HBO comedy specials, George Carlin was...

In addition to his HBO comedy specials, George Carlin was known for poking fun at American broadcast censors with his infamous routine, "The Seven Dirty Words You Can't Say on Television." Credit: AP

Who remembers the American Comedy Awards? Thought so - we all have memories truncated and (largely) eradicated by the Internet. But back in the day, George Schlatter's "Awards" - not to be confused with Comedy Central's "Comedy Awards" - were the biggest awards ceremony for comics who (otherwise) had to hope for an Emmy or Oscar or at least a roast at the Friar's Club. ABC aired 'em for most of their existence - make that all of their existence - which largely ended in the early part of the last decade. And if memory serves (as mentioned, it does not) even Johnny Carson and Woody Allen turned up to get their "Lucy" the first year. (Of course I am wrong...)

 This is all a very long windup to the point of this post: NBC is reviving them.  They'll be telecast in May. (Here's a thought: Maybe Louis CK will win one of these?

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Who remembers the American Comedy Awards? Thought so - we all have memories truncated and (largely) eradicated by the Internet. But back in the day, George Schlatter's "Awards" - not to be confused with Comedy Central's "Comedy Awards" - were the biggest awards ceremony for comics who (otherwise) had to hope for an Emmy or Oscar or at least a roast at the Friar's Club. ABC aired 'em for most of their existence - make that all of their existence - which largely ended in the early part of the last decade. And if memory serves (as mentioned, it does not) even Johnny Carson and Woody Allen turned up to get their "Lucy" the first year. (Of course I am wrong...)

 This is all a very long windup to the point of this post: NBC is reviving them.  They'll be telecast in May. (Here's a thought: Maybe Louis CK will win one of these?

 Here's a quote... :

“We all love a good laugh and the 'American Comedy Awards' will be full of gut-busting material from the best comedians in our business,” said Paul Telegdy, President Alternative and Late Night Programming, NBC Entertainment. “With creative genius Don Mischer at the helm, get ready for a night of great hilarity. No joke.”