"Saturday Night Live" deviated from its traditional comedic opening this...

" Credit: NBCSaturday Night Live" deviated from its traditional comedic opening this weekend, replacing it with a touching performance of "Silent Night" by the New York City Children's Chorus.

As television entertainment continues to pick its way past the unimaginable horror in Newtown, this week's "Saturday Night Live" landed upon an idea both profound and moving - a cold open by the New York City Children's Choir singing "Silent Night." (The hymn's final line, "sleep in heavenly peace," was the punctuation mark on this performance.) 

 Meanwhile, expect changes to schedules and on-air advisories throughout the week, as networks scramble to determine which episodes of which shows may be deemed too violent, or simply too insensitive in the wake of Newtown.

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As television entertainment continues to pick its way past the unimaginable horror in Newtown, this week's "Saturday Night Live" landed upon an idea both profound and moving - a cold open by the New York City Children's Choir singing "Silent Night." (The hymn's final line, "sleep in heavenly peace," was the punctuation mark on this performance.) 

 Meanwhile, expect changes to schedules and on-air advisories throughout the week, as networks scramble to determine which episodes of which shows may be deemed too violent, or simply too insensitive in the wake of Newtown.

Take a look at the "SNL" open: