Singer and actress Laura Osnes who stars in the lead...

Singer and actress Laura Osnes who stars in the lead of the new musical Cinderella sits with Kidsday reporters Anna Koke, Devon Hennessy and Madison Flotteron, ages 11 and 15 from Smithtown and Brightwaters. They are in Laura's dressing room at the Broadway Theaer in Manhattan. (Feb. 26, 2013) Credit: Newsday Pat Mullooly

Glass slippers? Check! Golden carriage? Check! Handsome prince? Check! This show has got it all, and then some. The new and improved "Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella" at the Broadway Theatre couldn't be any better. From the shocking costume changes, to the enchanted scenery, to the beautiful sounds coming from the orchestra, this musical had your eyes and ears wide open from start to finish.

Each scene was truly incredible. Cinderella wished for a ball gown, and before you could even blink an eye, she was in a glittering gown, tiara and all! It was a magical transformation, literally from "rags to riches," that took the audience's breath away. Her Fairy Godmother magically flew across the stage. Even some of the forest animals were part of the magic as they changed into humans in one of the show's most exciting scenes! Did you think you would ever witness the change of a pumpkin to a golden carriage right before your eyes? Well you should just wait and see what else is awaiting you!

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Glass slippers? Check! Golden carriage? Check! Handsome prince? Check! This show has got it all, and then some. The new and improved "Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella" at the Broadway Theatre couldn't be any better. From the shocking costume changes, to the enchanted scenery, to the beautiful sounds coming from the orchestra, this musical had your eyes and ears wide open from start to finish.

Each scene was truly incredible. Cinderella wished for a ball gown, and before you could even blink an eye, she was in a glittering gown, tiara and all! It was a magical transformation, literally from "rags to riches," that took the audience's breath away. Her Fairy Godmother magically flew across the stage. Even some of the forest animals were part of the magic as they changed into humans in one of the show's most exciting scenes! Did you think you would ever witness the change of a pumpkin to a golden carriage right before your eyes? Well you should just wait and see what else is awaiting you!

Not only does this show have the great plot of the classic Cinderella story, but, believe it or not, there is so much more! With the addition of modern-day humor and new and improved scenes, this Cinderella has got all the earlier TV versions beat! Surprising emotions from the "evil stepsisters" give a sweet twist to the plot.

The show teaches timeless life lessons, reminding us all that when you stand up for yourself and chase your dreams, nothing is impossible. We recommend it to everyone -- young and old!

Before seeing the show, we went backstage to talk with Laura as she was getting ready for her performance.

Who is your favorite Disney princess growing up?

My favorite Disney princess was Belle, but I definitely watched "Aladdin" the most. So I love Jasmine, too.

In what ways are you like your character?

I definitely can relate to Cinderella. I've kind of had this rags-to-riches story myself. I did this TV reality show that cast me in a Broadway show . I'm so grateful for the experience, but it was kind of crazy going through that. Cinderella in our story is known for her kindness and her generosity to people and, of course, I hope I'm kind and generous. But I'm obviously not a maid in real life as far as I've never actually had to work in a restaurant or waitress. I like to bake, but I don't like to cook.

When did you decide you wanted to become an actor?

I use to act out musicals in my living room and for my kindergarten talent show I sang a song from "Les Mís." My parents have been extremely supportive. I got into dance lessons when I was 5. I started taking voice lessons when I was probably 9. And I did my first show when I was in third grade. It's always kind of been in me and my parents have noticed that and totally, like, fanned the flame and let me fly.

You've done a lot of Broadway shows in the past. Do you have any interest in doing movies?

My first love is Broadway. I think because I get to sing, dance and act. I feel like giving up dancing or singing to do just a movie, I would miss it too much. Obviously, I would love to do a movie, but I feel like something in me will always come back to theater. They're doing movie musicals and that would be ideal to get to do singing, dancing and acting, but in a movie. So maybe I'll get to cross over in that way.

What is your biggest fear while on the stage?

I don't get stage fright that often. Occasionally, if someone I know or someone famous is in the audience, I'll get maybe a little bit of butterflies. But I think there's always this kind of unique pressure that comes with being in this position, and you kind of put yourself out there to be judged.