A production team is filming scenes of a Turkish drama...

A production team is filming scenes of a Turkish drama with actor Paris Baktas and actress Yagmur Yuksel, Turkey, Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Turkey has emerged as a leading exporter of television drama, bolstering the nation’s international image and drawing millions of viewers and tourists worldwide to its historical and cultural sites which are backdrops to many of the shows. Credit: AP/Khalil Hamra

ISTANBUL — In a story published Jul. 12, 2024, The Associated Press reported Dr. Deniz Gurgen Atalay as saying the industry generated $1 billion in 2023 from overseas exports. The story should have made clear that Atalay was citing information given in Turkish media based on publicly available data from television export companies.

Peak mosquito season is here ... Manorville homes to get public water ... ER wait times Credit: Newsday

Shelter Rock Jewish Center vandalism ... Peak mosquito season is here ... Tobay Beach 9/11 ceremony ... 13-year-old Jets podcaster