"American Idol" kicks off the finals of its 11th season, and its 400th episode overall, with a twist -- they're going to have the guys sing Stevie Wonder songs, with the women singing a Whitney Houston song.

As a result, Thursday night they'll have a bottom guy and a bottom woman, with the judges deciding which one goes home.....

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"American Idol" kicks off the finals of its 11th season, and its 400th episode overall, with a twist -- they're going to have the guys sing Stevie Wonder songs, with the women singing a Whitney Houston song.

As a result, Thursday night they'll have a bottom guy and a bottom woman, with the judges deciding which one goes home.....

Joshua Ledet up first (with Mary J. Blige the guest mentor) singing "I Wish." Tons of energy, he's bouncing and strutting up there. Not a great song choice in my opinion, it's just not that strong; but he performs it well. He's singing first overall, but although this isn't that memorable he should be fine sticking around another week, too much pure vocal talent.

"You just blew it out!" exults Randy Jackson. Calls it "flawless," as Jennifer Lopez praises him to high heaven as well. Steven Tyler just says, "you nailed it, beautiful."

Good, but didn't make me want to stand up and shout.