Steven Kopejzna from Bohemia, left, presents Aurelio Bilello, who earned a Purple...

Steven Kopejzna from Bohemia, left, presents Aurelio Bilello, who earned a Purple Heart during the Korean War, with a plaque at American Legion Post 826 in Bohemia on Sunday. Credit: Tom Lambui

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For surviving an explosion in combat that could have been lethal, Army veteran and Purple Heart Aurelio Bilello said he felt lucky more than anything else.

“I feel very fortunate. I survived, a lot of other people didn’t,” said Bilello, 91, of Rocky Point, who served as a corporal in the Korean War during his tour of duty from 1951 to 1953.

Members of the American Legion Hall Post No. 1146 in Bohemia on Sunday presented Bilello and their post commander Paul Caltabiano with plaques commemorating their service as the legion held its seventh annual Veterans, Police and First Responders Day honoring brave men and women who keep others safe.

Bilello was wounded by shrapnel when an enemy round exploded in his bunker during a battle. The blast killed others in the bunker, but Bilello escaped with treatable wounds.

“I accept this for them, not for me. Nothing really happened to me, but for them,” Bilello said.

Ina Linch, 85, Bilello’s girlfriend, said Bilello was “very humble” and didn’t like to speak much about the Purple Heart medal he received.

“He said, ‘What’s so big about it? I came home, the boys who were my friends didn’t come home,’ so nobody would know (about his medal),” Linch said. However, Linch believed it was important for Bilello to be recognized, so she let the legion commanders know. “I figured that what he did should be remembered.”

Fellow honoree Caltabiano, 70, who has been with the legion hall for roughly 40 years, said Bilello was a “very helpful” member of the legion who often met with other organizations on behalf of the legion.

“He’s always there to help us, and he goes above and beyond the call of duty to help us,” Caltabiano said.

Caltabiano of Ronkonkoma, who served as a lieutenant colonel in the Army from 1974 to 2003, was given his plaque as a surprise for his years of service. While he usually prefers to stay in the background, Caltabiano said he accepted the award with a smile.

“I’m a low-key kind of guy, but sometimes you have to look forward and enjoy it,” Caltabiano said.

Steve Kopejzna, the master of ceremonies for the event and a Scoutmaster for Troop 438 in Bohemia, said Caltabiano was an integral part of the legion hall who helped get new members for the legion through the years.

“He literally saved this post when it was teetering, and he’s been great to the Boy Scouts. He’s a very giving man, he does things that are under the radar and doesn’t want to be recognized for it, but the heck with it,” Kopejzna said with a laugh.

Caltabiano’s wife, Zejnije Caltabiano, 46, of Ronkonkoma, said her husband’s main passion was helping fellow veterans.

“His dedication to all police and all people who serve and that he serves is outstanding,” Zejnije Caltabiano said.

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