Jamie Moore leaves ADDAPT; replaced by Robert Botticelli
ADDAPT, which advocates for Long Island’s aerospace and defense industries, has chosen a new executive director after the organization’s top executive resigned to focus on leading the new Manufacturing Consortium of Long Island.
Earlier this month, the board of 26-year-old ADDAPT, the Aerospace and Defense Diversification Alliance in Peacetime Transition, named Robert Botticelli, a Long Island defense industry veteran and the organization’s chairman, as executive director.
Botticelli, a 55-year-old consultant whose work experience included a stint as chief operating officer at Bellport-based M3 Technology, said his strategy for the organization will be to promote the region’s “united supply chain” that can provide manufacturing, distribution and finishing services to major defense and aerospace companies. “That’s going to be my mission,” he said.
Botticelli’s appointment came after ADDAPT president Jamie Moore, 46, left the organization in November. Moore, who had served as president of ADDAPT since 2013, moved to MCLI, an advocacy organization that launched last April, as full-time executive director.
The job of ADDAPT president remains vacant, but as executive director, Botticelli will fill the day-to-day leadership role.
Moore said MCLI, covering all Long Island manufacturing, will promote business-friendly legislation, create a Long Island manufacturing brand, and seek to keep and attract skilled workers and companies.
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Top Newsday exclusive stories of 2024 From the case of chemical drums buried in Bethpage and school sex abuse scandals to restaurants Long Island said goodbye to, here's a look back at some of the biggest stories of 2024 found only in Newsday.