Corra Group Offers a New Comprehensive International Background Check for Business Research and Corporate Investigation
To better assist investigators and financial entities, such as private equity and venture capital groups, with their due diligence procedures, Corra Group has developed a new comprehensive background check for researching corporations and principals.
El Segundo, CA (PRWEB) October 27, 2015
Corra Group is now offering a comprehensive background report that is designed for corporate research and investigation, and due diligence proceedings. The new multi-layer report includes interviews with relevant subjects, criminal, civil, and corporate records.
“This new due diligence comprehensive background check is designed for global investigative agencies who are working in behalf of their clients,” said Corra Group Co-Founder, Gordon Basichis. This new search instrument should be appealing to venture capital and private equity groups as well as any business or financial entity looking to perform due diligence.
“In general, Corra Group can provide a review of the background and reputation of the subjects,” said Basichis. “The subjects could be the principles of an organization, the corporate entity itself, or both. The report takes note of source of wealth and any potential red flag issues—such occurrences a corrupt or suspicious business practices, possible links to organized crime, money laundering, or questionable business engagements with sanctioned nations. Any significant social and environmental issues are also noted.”
Basichis pointed out that the comprehensive report can include interviews with at least five individuals who have knowledge of the reputation of the corporate entity or the principles. Depending on the nation, he noted, the research report can provide searches for tax records and civil litigation files, as well as property records.
“There are different levels for this report,” said Basichis. “The more comprehensive will include Internet and Media Searches, as well as thorough investigation of any criminal records. The report can be domestic or for corporate and individual subjects in nations around the world. As different nations have different limitations on the information they make available, there are some restrictions for different countries.
“We have provided this report to different clients and they have been quite pleased with the results. The positive response is overwhelming. The report serves as a perfect accessory to business credit reports, corporate records searches, and the other background checks we conduct foreign and domestic for corporate research. This search is but one more in the arsenal of background checks, Corra Group can offer.
Basichis noted as the world changes and the global market becomes more volatile, there will be an increased need for comprehensive business research reports. He pointed out that with all the deception and financial malfeasance business entities are increasingly uncomfortable working with limited information.
“The world is particularly volatile at the moment,” said Basichis. “And with it, there are rapid changes in the global market. It is highly imprudent to work in the blind, to trust what you think you know about any potential business partner. Because in this world of ours, it is not their status of a year ago that is important. It is how they are today.”
BACKGROUND: Corra operates as Corra Group and specializes in pre-employment and corporate research and investigation. It is one of the few companies that will answer the phone. You can review the website at
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