Mary Kennedy shows the living room of her house on...

Mary Kennedy shows the living room of her house on Lafayette Boulevard in the Westholme section of Long Beach on Jan. 23, 2014. The house is on the market for $499,900 in February 2014. Credit: Barry Sloan

Seller. Mary Kennedy

Address. 464 Lafayette Blvd., Long Beach

Asking price. $499,900

The basics. A four-bedroom, two-bath, two-story house on a 40-by-100-foot lot

The competition. A four-bedroom, two-bath brick home on West Penn Street is listed for $500,000.

Recent sale in the area. A three-bedroom, two-bath home on West Chester Street sold in August for $495,000.

Taxes. $5,558

Time on the market. Since June

Listing agent. Lisa Strollo, Century 21 Prevete Bastone, Massapequa, 516-792-7000

Why it’s for sale. Kennedy, 75, now retired, was a secretary at a medical office. She says the house is too big for her. She’s planning to move closer to her kids, but will stay on Long Island.

Mary and her late husband owned their house for about 35 years and raised their three children there. It is in the Westholme section of Long Beach and was built in 1924. Here Mary talks about her home:

“It’s very comfortable. One bedroom is on the main level and there are three upstairs .?.?. The dining room is large. We’ve had Thanksgiving, Christmas and birthday celebrations here. I’ve had 12 to 15  for sit-down dinners. We even had a baby shower here .?.?. There are two stained-glass windows, one upstairs and one downstairs .?.?. They are original to the house .?.?. There’s a nice archway in the living room and molding in the living room and dining room and also a chair rail in the dining room .?.?. There was a pool in the backyard when the kids were young. I spend more time in the front yard during the good weather .?.?. We had some water in the basement and the garage door was damaged from [super]storm Sandy .?.?. We’ve had many happy days here, but I have to downsize. It’s a very comfortable home.”

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