In 1988, Long Island native Debbie Gibson became the youngest...

In 1988, Long Island native Debbie Gibson became the youngest artist to write, produce and perform a No. 1 single on the Billboard Hot 100 with her song "Foolish Beat." Credit: Joe Dombroski

With its proximity to New York City, a landscape fit for the big screen and lots of homegrown talent, Long Island is a unique sort of entertainment playground.

From movies filmed on the Island to bands formed in its backyards, LI can lay claim to many important works in movies, music and television.

Here, Newsday's critics present their picks for the greatest moments in those categories.

With "moments" loosely defined as any entertainment happening with a link to LI -- ranging from the first film adaptation of "The Great Gatsby" in 1926 to Billy Joel's series of sold-out Coliseum shows in 1998 -- these are the moments that put Long Island on the entertainment map.


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