Anthony Cumia, formerly of the "Opie and Anthony" radio show...

Anthony Cumia, formerly of the "Opie and Anthony" radio show announced Thursday that he will be away from his current radio show for about a month, in order to do some "rehabilitating." Credit: Howard Schnapp

Radio host Anthony Cumia, a mainstay of “Opie and Anthony” before his 2014 firing and subsequent return as host of the subscription Web series “The Anthony Cumia Show,” announced he is leaving the program for a month to undergo some form of rehab.

The Long Island native told guest Ron Bennington on Wednesday’s show, “I’m going to be away for about a month,” according to a transcript at the comedy-industry website “I will not see the month of April here,” Cumia added, later specifying that, “Saturday, I am taking a plane out of here, let’s just say. Out of New York, and going somewhere where I will spend a month . . . relaxing . . . learning . . . umm . . . rehabilitating perhaps is a word that could be used.”

He went on to say, “I don’t even know what I’m going into. I don’t know what the rules are, I don’t know what it’s going to be. It’s like a big mystery-adventure-type thing. But I guess after this whole thing is said and done with, I might have a better understanding as to how I should proceed in the future and perhaps not get myself embroiled in legalities and what not that have plagued me for the wonderful year that is 2016 . . . and a few years prior that led up to it.”

In December, Cumia pleaded not guilty to assaulting his girlfriend Danielle Brand, 26, at his Roslyn Heights home, and was released without bail. She suffered a fractured rib, swollen arm and chest pain, prosecutors said. In July 2014, SiriusXM radio fired him after he tweeted vulgar comments about a black woman he claimed had punched him in Times Square. The satellite-radio company called the statements “abhorrent” and “wholly inconsistent with what SiriusXM represents.”

Guest hosts in the interim begin with comedian Jim Norton on April 4, followed by more than a dozen individuals and teams including Bennington on April 6, Colin Quinn on April 11, Jim Florentine on April 14, Rich Vos and Luis Gomez on April 19 and Joe List and Mark Normand on May 4. April 25-28 is a vacation week.

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