Comedian Bill Cosby, pictured at the Montgomery County Courthouse on April 26,...

Comedian Bill Cosby, pictured at the Montgomery County Courthouse on April 26, 2018, in Norristown, Pennsylvania. Credit: Getty Images / Mark Makela

Bill Cosby, who is serving 3 to 10 years on a sexual-assault conviction, maintains his innocence and remains unremorseful in prison.

In a statement issued Wednesday through his spokesman, Andrew Wyatt, the 81-year-old comedy legend says, "I will never have remorse. I was given a deal; I settled out of court for $3.8 million," referring to what prosecutors actually called a $3.38 million settlement in 2006 to end a civil suit by Andrea Constand, the victim in the eventual criminal trial that resulted in his conviction in April 2018. 

Noting that prosecutors in 2005 had investigated Constand's criminal complaint and announced at the time that they had found insufficient evidence to charge him, Cosby goes on to say a "low-life District Attorney and a corrupt Judge needed me Guilty now. Not for justice, but for their political aspirations. They say, Mr. Cosby you must attend these classes. Why? One word. Entrapment!"

Asked for clarification about the previously unmentioned classes, Wyatt told Newsday in an email, "Part of Mr. Cosby's sentencing is that he must attend Sexual Violent Predator Classes in order to be considered for an early parole in three years. Mr. Cosby feels that those classes are in place for one thing: entrapment! So he will not be participating, because he's not guilty. By attending these classes, he feels that he's admitting to a crime." Cosby's attorneys filed an appeal in December, citing what they called 11 errors by the judge.

"My political beliefs, my actions of trying to humanize all races, genders and religions landed me in this place surrounded by barb wire fencing, a room made of steel and iron," Cosby went on to say in his statement. "So, I now have a temporary residence that resembles the quarters of some of the Greatest Political Prisoners," making mention of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi and others. "I stand upright as a Political Prisoner and I Smile. The Truth is Strong!"

A jury in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, had found Cosby guilty of three counts of aggravated indecent assault. He was sentenced on Sept. 25 and is serving time at the recently opened, maximum-security state prison SCI Phoenix, in Collegeville, Pennsylvania.

In a report Tuesday by the Philadelphia NBC station WCAU, Wyatt said Cosby "looks really amazing. … He's down to 195 pounds. He hasn't eaten any bread, no dessert, and he hasn't drank [sic] any coffee since he's been in there. The funny part about it is, Mrs. Cosby has been trying to stop him from drinking coffee for 55 years and she said it took this to stop him from drinking coffee." 

Wyatt said Cosby has requested that his wife, Camille, not visit him in prison. The couple speak by phone three times a day for three minutes each, the maximum time allowed. Cosby's daily routine is to wake at 3:30 a.m., exercise in his cell, shower and wait for breakfast. He rinses his meals in water, according to the statement, in order to wash off excessive sodium.

Cosby has no cellmate but enjoys conversing with fellow prisoners, Wyatt said. "Despite the circumstances he said, 'This is an amazing experience.' "


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