Courtney Love calls landlord's suit 'weird as heck'
With her Manhattan Housing Court eviction hearing set for Jan. 13, singer Courtney Love took to the web Thursday to respond to claims in her landlord's lawsuit.
"This is the last thing I am going to say about this," Love, 47, wrote on, claiming the owner of her four-story rented town house at 250 W. 10th St. "has been vicious to me and my staff."
Identifying her as Donna Lyon -- the official entity is Astor Street Partners, according to a Nov. 15 motion to evict -- Love said the landlord "came over the other day and, after informing me that 'No one likes you, Courtney Love, NO ONE,' which made me cry, she proceeded to knock over a photo (she's rather . . . large) of me with Dame Elizabeth Taylor and shatter the mirrored frame."
The eviction motion says Love owes tens of thousands of dollars in back rent and that the rocker broke her lease by altering the interior without permission. Love's attorney, Eric Sherman, told WCBS News in mid-December that Love's rent is up to date. Love, widow of grunge godfather Kurt Cobain, wrote Thursday, "I moved into this home only on the condition that I could paint it and when I leave, I'd restore it to exactly what it was."
And she added: "My taste is artful and femme, but it's excellent. I'm 47, have bought and sold 14 houses (16 if you count Washington) and love doing them nicely and tripling the price; it's just never been a question, so this whole experience is weird as heck."