Frances Bean Cobain calls out Lana Del Rey for glamorizing young musicians' deaths

Frances Bean Cobain, daughter of Courtney Love and late Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain, in a photo posted to her verified Twitter account on May 3, 2014. Credit: Frances Bean Cobain via Twitter
Frances Bean Cobain has called out singer Lana Del Rey for romanticizing the death of young musicians.
The daughter of Kurt Cobain sent a series of messages to Del Rey on Twitter after the singer said in an interview with the Guardian that she found such early deaths of musicians like her father and Amy Winehouse glamorous.
Frances Bean Cobain posted a message on Twitter on Sunday to Del Rey saying, “The death of young musicians isn’t something to romanticize.”
She then went on to tweet, “I'll never know my father because he died young & it becomes a desirable feat because ppl like u think it's "'cool.'"
She followed that up by saying that Del Rey should “Embrace life, because u only get one life.”
Del Rey also told the Guardian that she wished she was dead. "I do! I don't want to have to keep doing this. But I am,” she told the interviewer.
When Del Rey fans criticized her for her comments, Cobain responded that she was trying to give advice from personal experience.
“I'm not attacking anyone,” Cobain wrote on Twitter. “I have no animosity towards Lana, I was just trying to put things in perspective from personal experience.”
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