"The Enchanted Symphony" by Emma Walton Hamilton, left, and her mom...

"The Enchanted Symphony" by Emma Walton Hamilton, left, and her mom Julie Andrews comes out Sept. 12. Credit: Getty Images / Jim Spellman

The sound of music will be featured loud and clear in the new children's book "The Enchanted Symphony" by Oscar winner Julie Andrews and her daughter, Emma Walton Hamilton. In advance of its release, the duo will take part in a moderated discussion about the book at the Bay Street Theater & Sag Harbor Center for the Arts on Sept. 10 at 3 p.m.

"The Enchanted Symphony" is the latest of several children's books written by Andrews, who has a home in Sag Harbor, and Hamilton, who co-founded Bay Street in 1991 with her husband, Stephen Hamilton, and Sybil Christopher. The story is about a spirited village that becomes silent after it is enshrouded by a mysterious fog, until one day when a boy’s simple melody brings the town back to life.

Pre-autographed copies of the book, which comes out Sept. 12, will be available at the event or purchased in advance. Tickets are $45 (which includes the signed book) or $25 (no book) and can be purchased by calling 631-725-9500 or by visiting baystreet.org.

The pair's next book, "Waiting in the Wings," about a family of ducks, is set to be published in April.


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