Oscar nominees to receive $80,000 goodie bags at 2014 ceremony
Every year some Oscar nominee remarks they don't care about winning, it's an honor just to be nominated. Yeah, right.
Then again, getting nominated does guarantee one prize. Los Angeles marketing firm Distinctive Assets will once again create swag bags for this year's acting and directing nominees, a prize package valued at roughly $80,000. (By contrast, the Oscar statuette costs about $400 to make, according to CBS Moneywatch.)
Among the goodies in the swag bag: Hydroxycut Gummies, Swiss-made Slow watches, Vetvik luxury leather iPhone cases, Le Petit Cirque aerial lessons, a Steamist Total Sense Spa System, Epic Pet Health electrolyte therapy, Max Martin shoes and vacation packages to either the Canadian Rockies, Hawaii, Mexico or Japan.
This is also one gift that keeps on giving. Halo Pet Foundation, whose board members include Oscar host Ellen DeGeneres, has partnered with Freekibble.com and is asking gift bag recipients to donate 10,000 meals of Halo pet food to the shelter of their choice. How's that for a pet project?