Hamptons arts preview: Art
PARRISH ART MUSEUM "It's going to be a summer to remember," director Terrie Sultan says of the Parrish Art Museum's first high season in its light-splashed new space, which opened in November in Water Mill. "It'll be like cultural speed dating every day and night here."
Among the offerings -- besides the art -- is the Jazz en Plein Air series beginning May 31 and the East End or Busk series spotlighting New York street musicians. It begins June 22 on the terrace overlooking the meadow separating the museum from Montauk Highway and just steps outside the cafe, catered by the Art of Eating.
Speaking of art, "Angels, Demons and Savages: Pollock, Ossorio, Dubuffet" -- you decide who is which -- opens July 21, along with "Michelle Stuart: Drawn From Nature." Meanwhile, you can still catch the intriguing "Alice Aycock Drawings: Some Stories Are Worth Repeating" through July 13; 631-283-2118, parrishart.org.
GUILD HALL The cultural hot spot celebrates a mainstay of any Hamptons summer -- the Artists vs. Writers softball challenge -- with an exhibit appropriately titled "Artists & Writers: They Played the Game" (June 15-July 28). That show will be paired with a retrospective on visionary artist John Alexander, whose representational works are imbued with Surrealist elements. The museum's major summer exhibition focuses on the 1995 Guild Hall Academy of the Arts Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Chuck Close, whose signature portraiture in paintings, prints and tapestries will be displayed starting Aug. 10; 631-324-0806, guildhall.org
* Summer also means outdoor art: LongHouse Reserve has installed Jack Youngerman's black-and-white sculptures in its East Hampton gardens (631-329-3568, longhouse.org). Under massive tents, art collectors can get their fill (and empty their wallets) at ArtHamptons and artMRKT Hamptons -- held on the same weekend this summer (July 11-14, 631-283-5505, arthamptons.com).
* An anchor among Hamptons art galleries, Vered gets off to an eye-opening start this season in East Hampton with Jessica Lichtenstein's "Peep Show," animé-inspired Japanese figurines exploring notions of femininity through erotic poses, Saturday through June 17 (631-324-3303, veredart.com).