The Paramount Theatre in Huntington hosts a surprise concert featuring...

The Paramount Theatre in Huntington hosts a surprise concert featuring British singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran on Saturday, July 5, 2014. Credit: Newsday / Candice Ruud

Ed Sheeran, with the country's top album, lit up downtown Huntington Saturday night with a surprise concert at The Paramount.

Throngs of eager teens lined New York Avenue and several other blocks to see Sheeran, 23, a Grammy-nominated British singer and songwriter.

The news of the impromptu concert came via his tweets about 5 p.m.: "I've never done this before, and it's very last minute, but I feel like doing a show, so come on down to the paramount Huntington, love x."

Fans responded with gusto.

"I screamed," said Jackie Riekert, 17, of Huntington, with a posse of Sheeran fanatics, fresh-faced teens who don't take fandom lightly. Headed elsewhere, they turned the car around, parked themselves at the front of the line by 6:30 and snagged their tickets.

Sheeran is promoting his second album "X," pronounced "Multiply," which is ranked No. 1 on iTunes and Billboard. The album features "Sing," a Top 40 hit. Notable songs by Sheeran include "The A Team," which was nominated for song of the year in 2013. He was a best new artist nominee at this year's Grammy Awards show.

Paramount spokesman Adam Ellis said Sheeran was doing a rehearsal there Saturday afternoon for a radio show and decided to perform a full show for fans. Sheeran was in the area following his appearance Friday on the "Today" show.

Tickets were sold for $20 only at the box office, on a first-come, first-served basis.

For fans who were farther back in line, their hopes began to dim as the clock ticked.

After 9 p.m., young female fans screamed, squealed and grabbed each other as they finally handed over their $20 and slid past the bouncer through the venue's front doors.

The show sold out about 9:40 p.m., with 1,555 tickets, Ellis said.

Sheeran tweeted: "Sorry to all those who couldn't get a ticket, last minute first come first serve show, but I love you all the same x."

With Glenn Gamboa


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