"Musical Thrones," coming to the Patchogue Theatre, spoofs the popular...

"Musical Thrones," coming to the Patchogue Theatre, spoofs the popular HBO series "Game of Thrones." Credit: Timothy Norris

Carly Carlstrom had never seen an episode of “Game of Thrones” before being cast in “Musical Thrones: A Parody of Ice & Fire,” the “Spamalot”-style skewering of “Game” that will play Saturday at the Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts. She quickly binge-watched her way to fandom to research her 10 roles in the spoof of the popular HBO series, which she says requires 50 wig changes.

“We have decapitated heads, a little song, a little dance, and lots of death and destruction,” Carlstrom says.

She’ll chew scenery as two major characters: Ygritte, the fiery redheaded “wildling” lover of the heroic Jon Snow, and the fire-breathing-dragon controlling Daenerys. Carlstrom also gets to seduce Snow while lampooning season 3’s — and, for many, the series’ — sultriest episode, “Kissed by Fire.”

“If you are familiar with ‘Game of Thrones,’ there are some iconic moments that can’t be omitted — for instance, the steamy cave scene,” Carlstrom says.

Carlstrom says the cave scene is meant to top a previous effort by the minds behind “Musical Thrones,” Jon and Al Kaplan. The team also wrote “Silence: The Musical,” the long-running Off-Broadway parody of “The Silence of the Lambs,” in which one of the movie’s most famously unprintable lines inspires a song and dance number.

In “Musical Thrones,” beheadings also take center stage, albeit for laughs instead of shock value. A bowling ball with a face painted on it rolls offstage, substituting for one decapitated noggin.

“While there is no stage blood, our director developed a stage convention that whenever a character dies, they roll offstage,” says Oliver Rotunno, who portrays the heroic Snow (he also plays Kit Harington, who plays Snow on television).

Rotunno says that while nudity is discussed on stage, the actors don’t disrobe as they do on the TV show. Nevertheless, many of the jokes are adult-oriented and thus “Musical Thrones” is not recommended for children younger than 18, he says.

Although the parody is loaded with inside jokes for fans, the script of “Musical Thrones” lays out “a clear and concise outline of the series” for newcomers, Carlstrom says.

Fans will also be happy to know that the three dragons from the series come in for satirical drubbing. They’re represented by stuffed dinosaur toys, who sing, dance and serve as the butt of wisecracks from the live actors.

“There are jokes about not having the budget of HBO,” Rotunno says, “so we can’t have actual dragons.”

WHAT “Musical Thrones: A Parody of Ice & Fire”

WHEN | WHERE 7 p.m. Saturday, Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts, 71 E. Main St.

INFO $28-$58; 631-207-1313, patchoguetheatre.org


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