The show, airing Sunday, will include “New York State of Mind,” “It’s...

The show, airing Sunday, will include “New York State of Mind,” “It’s Still Rock and Roll to Me,” “My Life” and other Billy Joel hits.

  Credit: Invision/AP/Evan Agostini

Billy Joel’s first-ever network concert special will air on CBS Sunday at 9 p.m., marking another milestone in the singer’s enduring career.

The special was recorded at Madison Square Garden on March 28 — the 100th show of Joel’s 10-year residency at the storied venue. It will also be available to stream on Paramount+.

Joel's three-hour concert will be reduced to a two-hour running time, which means some of the 25 songs he played won’t make the cut. CBS hasn’t yet revealed the pared-down set list, but the network released a handful of performance clips that include “New York State of Mind,” “It’s Still Rock and Roll to Me,” “My Life” and “Scenes From an Italian Restaurant.” The special will also include a performance by Sting, who took over vocals for Joel’s “Big Man on Mulberry Street.”

Joel, 74, is enjoying a remarkable late-life resurgence. Beyond his record-breaking residency at the Garden, Joel recently released “Turn the Lights Back On,” his first original song in nearly 20 years and his first Billboard-charting track since 1997. It was accompanied by an innovative AI-enhanced video that de-aged the singer back to his 20s; Joel also performed the song at the 66th Grammy Awards this past February.

Joel’s 150th lifetime show at the Garden, which will close out his residency, is scheduled for July 25. He’ll play his first-ever show with Rod Stewart at the Cleveland Browns Stadium in September. And he’ll continue a limited U.S. tour accompanied by Sting that will run through November.


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