Kelly Hyland of the Lifetime reality show "Dance Moms" attends...

Kelly Hyland of the Lifetime reality show "Dance Moms" attends the premiere of "Pitch Perfect" at ArcLight Cinemas in Los Angeles. (Sept. 24, 2012) Credit: AP

Kelly Hyland, one of the titular "Dance Moms" on that Lifetime reality show about Pittsburgh's Abby Lee Dance Company, was booked for assault and harassment in November, reports. According to the site, Hyland and dance coach Abby Lee Miller were in New York, where Miller was scouting new talent for her company of 8- to 15-year-old girls. Hyland, evidently feeling her daughters Paige and Brooke were being overlooked, allegedly grabbed Miller's hair, precipitating a physical altercation that was captured by the show's cameras.

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