Canadian comedian Nathan Fielder of the Comedy Central show "Nathan...

Canadian comedian Nathan Fielder of the Comedy Central show "Nathan for You" comes forward Monday, Feb. 10, 2014 as the brain behind Dumb Starbucks, a parody store in Los Angeles. Credit: AP / Nick Ut

Nathan Fielder, the CEO of parody company, Dumb Starbucks, was on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" Tuesday night, offering Jimmy -- what else? -- a cold cup of coffee.

Fielder, the host (which isn't exactly the right term but will do in a pinch)  of Comedy Central's "Nathan for You," got quite a bit of publicity after owning up to being the operator behind the Dumb Starbucks cafe that opened mysteriously in Los Angeles.

The real Starbucks was not amused. Fielder insisted his new establishment was protected by something called "parody law" -- don't rush to your law books; there is no such thing -- and Starbucks disagreed. Of interest to NYers -- he has plans, or did have plans, to open a location in Brooklyn (and who knows, Syosset?)

 Fielder's show -- if you have not seen -- is very funny, in fact: He offers the world's worst advice to entrepreneurs, who deploy it -- at their own risk.

 Newsday app readers please go to to watch this native of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, try to snooker a guy from Brooklyn.


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