Animated characters Sulley, voiced by John Goodman, and Mike, voiced...

Animated characters Sulley, voiced by John Goodman, and Mike, voiced by Billy Crystal, are reprising their roles from the 2001 movie "Monsters, Inc." Credit: Walt Disney Pictures / Everett Collection

John Goodman and Long Beach-raised Billy Crystal will once again lend their voices to the characters of Sulley and Mike, respectively, in the animated series “Monsters at Work.”

Inspired by the “Monsters, Inc.” movies, the show picks up shortly after the original 2001 film, when the city of Monstropolis has begun to run on the laughter of children. The voice cast includes Ben Feldman (NBC’s “Superstore”) as factory worker Tylor Tuskmon, Kelly Marie Tran (2017's “Star Wars: The Last Jedi") as his friend Val Little, Lucas Neff (Fox’s "Raising Hope") as a plumber named Duncan, Alanna Ubach (2017's "Coco") as the officious employee Cutter and Henry Winkler (HBO's "Barry") as scatterbrained factory boss Fritz. Aisha Tyler (FX's "Archer") provides the voice of Tylor's mom, Millie.

“Monsters at Work” is set to premiere in 2020 on Disney+, the streaming service set to launch later this year.


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