Kevin James' new sitcom, "Kevin Can Wait," is utilizing the...

Kevin James' new sitcom, "Kevin Can Wait," is utilizing the local talent -- from Michael DelGuidice's theme song to Valley Stream native Jim Breuer's upcoming guest appearance. Credit: CBS / Jeffrey Neira

The Long Island connections keep on coming in the CBS family sitcom, “Kevin Can Wait”: Sound Beach resident Michael DelGuidice from Billy Joel’s Band and Big Shot wrote the theme for the Massapequa-based show, which is shot in Bethpage.

The song, “Ordinary Guy,” comes from his 2011 album, “My Street.” DelGuidice met the show’s star Kevin James, who grew up in Stony Brook, through Joel, and was asked to submit his song for consideration.

“I sent him a link to the song, which had home videos of my family on it,” says DelGuidice, 45. “Kevin thought it worked great with the theme of what they were doing.”

Valley Stream native and comedian Jim Breuer will soon make a guest appearance on the show, which was the second-highest freshman series to debut last week (11.08 million viewers).


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