Bravo is launching a Long Island-based series focusing on "princesses"...

Bravo is launching a Long Island-based series focusing on "princesses" from Great Neck. Credit: NBC Universal, Inc.

Gird yourselves: Bravo is launching a Long Island-based series focusing on "princesses" from Great Neck.

The network that brought the world "The Real Housewives" franchise, "Tabatha Takes Over" and "Flipping Out" Tuesday announced 17 new reality unscripted series, including "Princesses: Long Island." Bravo describes the show, which debuts June 2, thusly:

"Meet . . . six young women from Great Neck, Long Island who return to their pampered lifestyles in the comfort of their parents' estates and at the expense of their fathers' bank accounts. This new docu-series offers a window into their unique family dynamics and personal lives filled with labels, luxury, and love trials."

But you can't meet them just yet -- a Bravo spokeswoman said the cast has not been announced. The new series will hope to last longer than E!'s 2010 "Long Island Princesses," which aired only one episode.

The new show is produced by True Entertainment, whose programs also include Bravo's "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" and TLC's "A Baby Story." There's also a local angle in another new Bravo series, "Newlyweds: The First Year" (debuting May 6), which tracks the trials and tribulations of four couples during their initial year of marriage. One of the couples chronicled runs a Long Island-based tanning salon.

New Bravo series this summer and fall include a series on women in the Los Angeles restaurant trade ("Eat, Drink, Love") and another on "Extreme Parenting."


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