Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and their 'Looney Tunes' pals are...

Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and their 'Looney Tunes' pals are among the classic cartoons getting a devoted video streaming service. Credit: Cartoon Network

What’s up, Doc?

That would be Boomerang, a new, ad-free video streaming service that is up and running and giving a toon-up to characters like Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Scooby-Doo.

The service, an offshoot of the cable channel Boomerang, draws from Time Warner’s catalog of more than 5,000 vintage Warner Bros., MGM and Hanna-Barbera cartoons. It premiered April 11 for a monthly fee of $4.99 or a yearly subscription of $39.99. (If you want to sample first, a free trial is available.)

While baby boomers will be drawn to such favorites as the “Looney Tunes” stable and Tom and Jerry, the service will also present original content, starting with the new animated series “Dorothy and the Wizard Of Oz,” and “Wacky Races,” which harks back to ’60s toons like “Penelope Pitstop.” New episodes will be presented each week.

In addition to the website (boomerang.com), the service is available for iPhone, iPad and Android screens with support for streaming devices, including Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Roku and Chromecast, in the works.

And as Porky Pig would say, “That’s all folks!”


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