"Terra Nova" follows a family on a journey to prehistoric...

"Terra Nova" follows a family on a journey to prehistoric Earth. Credit: Fox Broadcasting Co.

"TERRA NOVA": Last season's time-tripping epic -- future humans from a trashed planet flee back to dinosaur time -- was too expensive for Fox to renew. So these 13 episodes of the Shannon clan's adventures are The Complete Series. Jason O'Mara (of CBS' new "Vegas") and Stephen Lang ("In Plain Sight") star.

Extras More than an hour of goodies, including pilot director's lengthy video diary, making-of-dinos featurette, extended final episode, makers' commentary, "mysteries explained" by show runners.

List price $50 for four DVDs (no Blu-ray!), Fox.

Also new:

SPARTACUS: VENGEANCE Starz's actioner now stars Liam McIntyre, plus effects featurette, lots more; Blu-ray adds commentaries; $50 DVD/$60 Blu-ray, Anchor Bay.

SUBURGATORY Fresh ABC single-camera comedy includes making-of featurette (Season 2 debuts Oct. 17); $45, Warner.

MODERN FAMILY: SEASON 3 ABC's Emmy winner with backstage extras: Wyoming shoot, Disneyland visit, Ed O'Neill's Hollywood Boulevard star ceremony, more (new season starts Sept. 26); $50 DVD/$60 Blu-ray, Fox.

BODY OF PROOF: SEASON 2 Dana Delany's coroner boasts behind-the-scenes on fake bodies, stunts, sets, more (returns to ABC midseason); $40, ABC Studios.


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