DEAR AMY: A few months ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and am currently receiving chemotherapy. As it has come up, I’ve notified my (other) medical providers. I have been a patient at a privately-owned and operated manual physical therapy company for a couple of years (receiving treatment for a 45-year-old neck injury). I told my physical therapist (not the owner) of my diagnosis and asked her, if she didn’t mind, to tell the others. Well, I guess she did, because when I tried to pay on my account, the receptionist told me I didn’t I have a balance. Well, I used to have a balance. It was somewhere around $200. I don’t think there was a clerical error. I believe the owner forgave my debt. He’s the type of person who recognizes what he can do in a situation and then does it. I never expected it, but I am so grateful. How do I thank him, in person or in writing, and let him know how much his gesture means to me?

Grateful in East Tennessee

DEAR GRATEFUL: First, you need to make sure this gift was not the result of an error. Reach out to the owner privately (though email) and say, “When I tried to pay my bill, I was told that I don’t have a balance. I need to double check with you: Is this an error or an incredibly generous gesture on your part?”

Once he responds, assuming that he is being generous, you should write a note that he could share with the staff. Don’t make a specific mention of the dollar amount or this forgiven bill, but do say, “Thank you one and all for your compassion and generosity regarding my current medical challenges. I’m incredibly moved by it. I know I’ll get through it; knowing you’ve ‘got my back’ (and neck) makes everything easier.”

Then — like any satisfied customer — you should also reach out on social media to praise this outfit and the work they do, if you haven’t done so already.

DEAR ASK AMY: We have a 50-year-old friend who suffers from depression and anxiety. He has managed it very well but went through an emotional divorce two years ago that made things worse. Through church group counseling and some professional therapy, he is getting back out there. However, he seems to be using the divorce and the difficulties of the modern dating scene as an excuse to be bitter, miserable, and self-deprecating, making it difficult for his friends to want to be around him. He also seems to place barriers in his way as he navigates his post-divorce life. He exhibits passive-aggressive behavior on his social media accounts as a way to get attention, which further alienates his friends who have grown weary of it. Bottom line, I think he’s more comfortable with his misery and is unwilling to resolve the issues that are the source of it. Maybe he thinks it makes him seem more novel or interesting to people? He needs supportive friends in his life but I think he only wants someone to validate his negative perspective. We want to be good friends to him and understand that depression is a complex thing, but we also don’t want to play a role in perpetuating his approach to the next phases of his life. What should we do?

Worried Friends

DEAR WORRIED: Your friend’s behavior might not be related to his depression. It’s hard to know, sometimes, if a friend needs a shoulder to cry on — or a light kick in the keister.

Years ago, I was going through a tough time, post-divorce, and had started referring to myself as “a loser.” A friend said to me, “You know, this self-deprecating thing you’re doing is getting old.” Message received.

You could ask him: “You seem very negative about things lately, even though you seem to be doing so much better. Some of your statements concern me. I want to be supportive but don’t really know how.”

You could also inspire him, perhaps, to be a better friend to you by asking him to help you — either physically or emotionally — through a challenge in your own life.

DEAR AMY: Recently I created a problem through spreading a falsehood on social media. How do I make things right again?


DEAR WORRIED: Delete the offending post and reach out to this person, acknowledging your action and ask for forgiveness. If the person wants you to correct this publicly, then you should do so.


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