Universal Kids is bringing an "American Ninja Warrior Junior" event...

Universal Kids is bringing an "American Ninja Warrior Junior" event to East Rockaway on Dec. 7. Credit: Universal Kids

Universal Kids is partnering with a gym in East Rockaway for a free “American Ninja Warrior Junior” event on Friday that will bring contestants from the adult version to Long Island.   

The “American Ninja Warrior Junior” TV show features Ninjas ages 9 to 14 from across the country taking on the iconic “Warrior” course for a chance to be crowned the first-ever American Ninja Warrior Junior Champions. The show, which airs at 7 p.m. Saturdays on Universal Kids, premiered in the fall. The finale has yet to air.

East Rockaway is one stop on a themed tour to give away swag, offer photo opportunities and more. Joe Moravsky, 29, of Connecticut and Abby Clark, 24, of New Hampshire, both adult Ninja contestants from previous NBC “American Nina Warrior” seasons, will be at the event to promote the junior counterparts.

The event is from 7 to 10 p.m. at 5 Star Sports Academy, 21 Ryder Pl., East Rockaway. For more information, call 516-887-6600 or visit Universal Kids on Facebook.

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