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Actress Breanna Yde with Kidsday reporters, from left, Ashly-Rose Prefontaine,...

Actress Breanna Yde with Kidsday reporters, from left, Ashly-Rose Prefontaine, Lucas Scourtos and Angelina Calderone at the Sugar Factory in Manhattan. Credit: Newsday / Pat Mullooly

We met Nickelodeon’s “School of Rock” star Breanna Yde when she was in Manhattan recently. Breanna stars as Tomika. She was also in one of our favorite new TV movies, “Escape From Mr. Lemoncello’s Library.” And if that isn’t enough, she also does the voice of Ronnie Anne in the animated series “The Loud House.” When she finished talking to us, she picked up her guitar and sang to us as well. She is a big fan of Ed Sheeran, so she sang “Thinking Out Loud.”

Do you have a favorite role that you have played?

My favorite part about acting is getting to develop a character and dig deeper into what my character would do. My role for Akimi [“Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library”] was like that. Would she say a certain word or would she cross her arms? I think it is really cool getting to develop a character. My favorite role that I have played? I don’t know. I have really liked all the roles that I have played, so I don’t think I could single out just one. They have all been so different from one another.

When did you start acting and what inspired you?

I started acting when I was about 6 years old. I told my parents I wanted to be on TV, and they put me in an acting school. At the time we lived in San Diego, and then we moved to Los Angeles. From there I proceeded with my acting career.

Do you have a favorite genre?

I really like fiction. I just enjoy reading about stuff that doesn’t really exist. You get to use your imagination.

We know you are one of the voices in the animated series “The Loud House.” Have you had voice training?

I do vocal sessions with my vocal coach, but not for acting. I’ve been doing regular acting all my life, and voice acting is a little bit different. But what I would do is play out what I am supposed to do as if they were filming me. I like to act it out with my body so I know how I will say it.

Do you have time to hang out with your friends and family? What do you like to do in your free time?

I hang out with my friends and family quite a bit, but not as much as I would really like to. My family is all over the world. I have family in Australia, some in Arizona and some in Indiana. I wish I could visit my family that is not in L.A. as much. But I love my career, so getting to pursue it is really fun, too. With my free time, I like to spend it playing music, and if I can I will play golf or tennis.

How long does it take you to learn a script before you are ready to perform it?

It usually takes a day or two. We have to rehearse it and then do it for all the executives. And sometimes change up the script a little bit.

Do you ever get to keep any of the wardrobe from all the shows you have been on?

I have definitely “stolen” a lot of wardrobe! For stuff like today, when it is for press, they let me keep what I am wearing. Yes, sometimes I do get to keep it.

Are you friends with Casey [Simpson from “Escape From Mr. Lemoncello’s Library”] off set?

Yeah, we are friends off set! We hang out and go to the pool. Even with my other co-stars, we are really good friends. We like to hang out and go to Six Flags and to the movies or something.

Do you like to watch your old shows on TV?

Whenever it is on, I will watch it, but I won’t go and think, I want to watch myself. I have seen it and I usually won’t go back, but if it on, I will just want to see how it was.

How do you attend school?

I do online school. I have a studio teacher on set, and that helps me get through all my assignments that I need to do.

Would you recommend an acting career to other children?

Yes. I think an acting career is a really awesome career to pursue. It can be difficult, but it is such a fun one to choose. It really opens up your imagination, especially if you like to read, because reading scripts, you get to develop a character on your own. You get really rip apart a character and really dig deep.

Is there any actor you would like to work with in the future?

Yes, Angelina Jolie. She always seems so super cool and she has always been one of my favorite actors.

Have you ever Googled yourself?

I have done it a couple of times, but I don’t do it on the daily. I haven’t done it in a while, but it is usually photos of me at awards shows. It is usually all good stuff.

What is the best and worst part about being famous?

Best part is being able to make a change in the world. I want to share awareness for things such as breast cancer. It is a great way to share your feelings.


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