29°Good Morning
Kidsday reporter Erin Timmes decorated her flip-flops using water balloons.

Kidsday reporter Erin Timmes decorated her flip-flops using water balloons. Credit: Ellen Timmes

Do you want to know how to make fun, easy, personalized spring crafts? First, go to your closet and pick out a plain pair of flip-flops.

Next, collect water balloons — about 50 to 60 in assorted colors you like best. Then, knot the balloons around the thong of each flip-flop and rotate the knot under thong.

You can alternate colors to personalize your own pattern to match your style. Finally, go outside and show off your bedazzled flip-flops while having a water balloon fight with your friends!

Jaclyn Graham’s students, Plaza Elementary School, Baldwin



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