Accident keeps LI kid stuck in gym class
Fifth grade. The start of school. Two weeks in. Four friends. One radiator. One scar.
It all started in fifth grade. The year had just started, and we were in our second week of school. This all happened during gym class. The day started out pretty normal. You know, pretty normal, chillin’ in class, but excited to get to gym.
So our gym teacher, Mrs. Lisa Santos, was making us do a warm-up, which she called partner tag. Everyone had to grab a partner. Jake was with Francesco and Aedan was with our other friend, Valerie. We were coming to a corner, and Aedan and Valerie were right behind Francesco and Jake.
And then: Kabooshhhhh!
Jake collided right with the radiator while Francesco was still holding on to him. Aedan and Valerie stopped to make sure Jake was all right. But, oh boy, he wasn’t. In fact, Jake’s arm went straight through the radiator, and he could not get his arm out.
When Jake finally managed to pull his arm out, he was crying (wouldn’t you?!). At first, he couldn’t move his arm and thought his arm would fall off. Jake ran straight to the nurse’s office and we were scared about what happened. We were all surprised when we heard him hit the radiator!
Today this story is still remembered as a hysterical moment at our school — even Jake still laughs about it.
Colleen Topping’s sixth-grade class, Manor Oaks Elementary School, New Hyde Park