Kidsday reporters Matthew Pepper, left, and Paul Febbraro shows off...

Kidsday reporters Matthew Pepper, left, and Paul Febbraro shows off Matthew's hairstyles. Credit: Newsday / Pat Mullooly

Matthew’s daily hairstyle is a fancy comb-over or a crazy Mohawk. Paul’s daily hairstyle is a normal cut. What we are going to tell you about today is how all people have their own unique hairstyle.

Some people’s everyday hair is crazy hair — for example, a Mohawk. Some people wear fancy hair, such as a comb-over. Other kids just do nothing to it.

Some say a Mohawk is crazy, others think it’s normal. Most kids wear crazy hair on Crazy Hair Day or Wacky Wednesday. Those are spirit days in our school. Some kids might wear crazy hair to look intimidating, for example, in a sport. Matthew wants to look more intimidating when he is playing a sport, but he has has fancy hair as his daily hair.

For other kids, a little gel makes their hair fancy for a special occasion, such as a wedding or any type of holiday party. Some kids also make their hair fancy for a concert, if they are playing in it or just watching.

All people have their own opinion about hairstyles. Mostly adults go normal as they get older. We like being unique.

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