Kidsday interviews Kevin James, visits set of ‘Kevin Can Wait’

Kidsday reporters, from left, Amanda Tiedemann, TJ Innes, Kyla Murnane and Demetra Sideridis, all of John H. West School in Bethpage, interviewed actor Kevin James and toured the set of his TV show, "Kevin Can Wait," in Bethpage on Friday, March 10, 2017. Credit: Kidsday reporters, from left, Amanda Tiedemann, TJ Innes, Kyla Murnane and Demetra Sideridis, all of John H. West School in Bethpage, interviewed actor Kevin James and toured the set of his TV show, “Kevin Can Wait,” in Bethpage on Friday, March 10, 2017.
On Friday, March 10, we got to go to the set of the hit TV show “Kevin Can Wait.” We got to meet Kevin James and the show’s guest star, Harry Connick Jr., too.
We were so excited when we walked into the studio, which is in Bethpage. We all thought the set was going to be a house, but it looked like a big warehouse with little sets for the living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, apartment and restaurant.
While we were waiting in the audience seats, we saw Kevin and Harry doing an “Insider” TV interview. We had to be very quiet, and we could hear them talking about the new episode of “Kevin Can Wait” and other things.
After the other interview, we got a chance to talk to Kevin. We asked him questions that we couldn’t find the answers to just by going on the internet. We found out that some of the show’s episodes are based on his real life. Kevin loves working with his brother, Gary Valentine, who also stars on the show as Kyle Gable. He said that he can tell his brother anything without hurting his feelings (and that he also gives him noogies a lot).
We also learned a lot about Kevin’s life. He was a landscaper and a personal trainer before he became an actor and a comedian. Kevin told us that he was inspired by a lot of comedians like Robert Kline and Jackie Gleason. We knew that he is a fan of the Mets and Jets, so we asked him about his favorite players, who are Tommie Agee (baseball) and Freeman McNeil (football).
Finally, we learned that Kevin works with a lot of charities, like the Make-A-Wish Foundation. He loves to help kids. When we were done with our questions, we got our picture taken with Kevin.
We also got a tour of the set and got to see all of the rooms, and things like the stairs (that went to nowhere) and how the “outside” looks real, but it is not. We also got to see pictures on the wall of the cast members when they were younger. While we were there, they were also setting up and rehearsing for that evening’s performance. It was only 10:30 in the morning, but the show’s taping didn’t take place until that night — that is a long day for the actors and assistants on the show.
Our favorite parts of the day were meeting Kevin and touring the set of “Kevin Can Wait.” We had so much fun. Kevin James is a really funny and awesome actor.