Author and illustrator Matthew Reinhart in his Manhattan studio with...

Author and illustrator Matthew Reinhart in his Manhattan studio with Kidsday reporters Sophie Heiman, Alec Ash, Lexi Fryman and Jason Rosen Credit: Newsday/Pat Mullooly

We recently visited Matthew Reinhart at his studio in Manhattan.
He is an author and a pop-up book artist. He recently published a pop-up book called “DC Super Heroes.” It has most of the superheroes that DC Comics features. He also wrote the pop-up books “Star Wars” and the “Encyclopedia Mythologica: Gods and Heroes.”

He showed us how hard it is to build pop-ups! It was really interesting because the only materials he uses in the beginning of the book process are tape, scissors and paper.

He showed us how he assembled it, and it was really intricate work. Then, he went onto a computer, and he added color to his work.

There are many steps in making a fold. Because of this, Matthew spends most of his time on the folds. He makes a first fold, then he enhances it until it’s perfect. He then sends it to one of his assistants to make copies. The copies are put into a machine that cuts them.

Meeting Matthew was a great experience. He showed us how to start making a book and what happens after the folds. He also showed us how the folds are in pieces. He answered our questions with great detail, and we thank him for that.

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