Mebo robot review: Plenty of features for curious kids

Kidsday reporters Chad Sandmeyer and Valerie Sanchez with Mebo. Credit: Jill Berns
We tested the Mebo: Your Robotic Alter Ego (Skyrocket Toys) with all the kids in our classroom. Mebo is a really cool robot that you control. You need to download the Mebo app on your iPhone. Once you do that, you are asked to create a password.
You can make Mebo walk forward and backward. It can pick up light things. We were able to get Mebo to pick up a water bottle and a pencil. We also had it pick up a marker and then had it draw a square on a piece of paper.
You can say something and Mebo will be able to repeat it. It can make about 15 different noises as well. We liked that it had a built-in camera and it can record videos. We had such a good time discovering all the different things it can do. We recommend this, especially to kids who like to play with remote-controlled toys. You may need some adult help to get started, but after that it is all fun.
Rating: 5 smiles