Gina Cerulli's fifth-grade students from Idle Hour Elementary School in...

Gina Cerulli's fifth-grade students from Idle Hour Elementary School in Oakdale show off their favorite hats. Credit: Gina Cerulli

Grab your top hats and baseball caps because National Hat Day 2019 is coming up on Tuesday, Jan. 15. That's right, you are still celebrating New Year's Day, and it is time to prepare for the first big day of 2019. I also think it is a very stylish way to celebrate the new year.

You can wear any hat you can think up in that head under your hat, like warm, woolen winter ones. (Wow, try saying that five times fast, "warm woolen winter ones, warm woolen winter ones.") As I was saying, you can wear any hat you can think of. Fedoras, beanies, maybe make your own, even a hat from a past Halloween costume like a crown, or a chef’s hat, which is also called a toque. (It means "white hat" in French.)

You may really want to wear a hat outside depending on where you live. Here’s a quote from a poet named John Oldham: “All your future lies beneath your hat.” I don’t know about you, but that quote was captivating ... see what I did there, CAP-tivating.

The number of people who participate in National Hat Day will knock your hats right off. So on that day, tell everyone the news and that they need to get their hats on right way. Try to look for how many people you can see wearing a hat. Let's tip our hats to National Hat Day!

Gina Cerulli’s fifth-grade class, Idle Hour Elementary School, Oakdale


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