Credit: Kidsday staff artist / Jean Yoo, Jericho

Every year, the day after Christmas, my family goes to North Carolina. There are five of us and we get up at 2 a.m., get all of our things together and set out for a 13-hour trip. My brother, Gavin, 7, drives me crazy during the car ride! But I guess that is what younger brothers are supposed to do. When we get to my Aunt Kim’s house in Asheville, we unpack. By nighttime there are about 20 of us all together for a week of fun. By that time, we are all hungry and have dinner.

One of the first things I like to do when I get to Charlotte is visit the local mall and go shoe shopping. Yes, it is something I really like to do!

Also, inside the mall we become daredevils and we are able to take part in some of the fun activities that include bungee jumping and zip lining and bouncing on the trampolines.

By that time, we are all tired and call it a night. We head home to sleep with my aunt’s six dogs! It can get quite noisy with that bunch. Let’s see, there is Sammy, Sweet Pea, Trucker, Scout, Dixie and Docker.

For the rest of the week, we travel around the state and see many amazing sights. One place we like to visit in Charlotte is a place where we can go white-water rafting.

Out of all the many things we do and see, my favorite is time spent with my family.


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