Patchogue Theatre youth talent auditions on Long Island
Auditions for the Star Shine 2016 Youth Talent Search have been moved up to Nov. 17 and 18 at the Patchogue Theatre, 71 E. Main St. — normally auditions would be held in January 2016, but the Patchogue Theatre will be undergoing renovations during that time period.
The auditions are open to all Long Island students fro mgrades 1 to 12. The actual Star Shine 2016 performance featuring the finalists will be at 3 p.m. on Sunday, April 10, 2016. Three $300 prizes will be awarded.
Types of acts accepted include: singing, comedy, instrumental, storytelling, dancing, acrobatics, small band, orchestra and singing ensembles, and rock bands. A stereo will be provided for CD, phone and MP3 accompaniments. Singing auditions may be a cappella, but no lip-synching is allowed.
Auditions will be held in one-hour blocks between 5:30 and 9 p.m. both days. Whatever time a students signs up for is his or her time; do not expect a confirmation. Students will be auditioned in the order they arrive during the block of time for which they signed up. There is a $10 fee per act to audition, payable by cash or check only at the audition. Each act receives a voucher for one ticket with payment of the audition fee.
Visit to download the audition forms. Audition forms are due at the Patchogue Theatre Box Office or by emailing by Monday. For more information, call 631-207-1313.