Razor Turbo Jetts Electric Heel Wheels reviewed by LI kids

Kidsday reporter Mirabella Altebrando takes a ride on the Razor Turbo Jetts Electric Heel Wheels. Credit: Kristie Altebrando
I checked out the new Razor Turbo Jetts Electric Heel Wheels, which are like rollerskates but so awesome and crazy fun. These are skates for kids ages 9 and older.
Because they are motorized, you will be cruising at around 10 miles an hour. They’re great on surfaces that are mostly smooth.
They are hard to use at first but once you get the hang of it, you can’t stop riding them. I lost my balance and fell a couple of times, but I got right back up and skated around again. I encourage kids riding them to wear the correct protective gear. They are so much fun and definitely worth getting. They make for a smooth and fun ride.
Eileen DeCarmine’s fifth-grade class, Laddie A. Decker Sound Beach School, Miller Place