Talking with Kira Kosarin of 'The Thundermans'

Kidsday reporters Alex Mantikas and Matthew Small, both 10, from Glen Cove, at the Halo Awards for Nickelodeon at Pier 36 in Manhattan. They are with actor Kira Kosarin who stars as Phoebe on "The Thundermans" Credit: Newsday / Pat Mullooly
We interviewed actress Kira Kosarin, who stars as Phoebe Thunderman on one of our favorite Nickelodeon shows, "The Thundermans," when she was in Manhattan recently. We are also looking forward to her new movie, "Tripwrecked," because it stars many other Nickoledeon stars. It will be released next month.
What is it like to play a superhero?
It's absolutely awesome. I think every kid at some point wants to be a superhero and I get to be one on TV, which is really good.
Do you love being a superhero?
I love being a superhero. Sometimes I forget I'm not a superhero in real life. Like, I try to close my door with telekinesis and realize that I can't.
When you were growing up, did you have a favorite superhero or do you still have a favorite superhero now?
I do. I like Iron Man. I think he's really funny and kind of sarcastic and I'm sarcastic. I think Robert Downey Jr. makes a good Iron Man.
Do you get along with the actors in real life?
Yeah, Jack [Griffo: Max Thunderman] and I are like real brother and sister. So sometimes we get along and sometimes we fight like real brother and sister. But we love each other and we take care of each other. But we bicker sometimes, but it's really good.
Where do you see yourself in about five years?
That's really hard. I'd like use those five years to build up my music career. I'd like to get more involved with that. Hopefully, "The Thundermans" will be a success by then. I hope. As long as I can keep following this path that I'm enjoying and I'm happy.
Do you ever get nervous on stage?
I don't really get nervous anymore. I was nervous when I started doing live-audience shows, but I grew up in the theater because both my parents were Broadway actors. I actually remember my very first red carpet. I got really really nervous, I was shaking, but now it's fine. I think meeting a lot of people all the time and being in front of an audience makes it easier.