'Tonight Show' host Jimmy Fallon writes new children's book

"Tonight Show" host Jimmy Fallon wrote a new children's book, "Your Baby's First Word Will Be Dada," published by MacMillian Children's Publishing Group. Credit: MacMillian Children's Publishing Group
Jimmy Fallon, host of NBC's "The Tonight Show," recently wrote a new children's book about every father's secret wish for their baby's first word to be Dada -- not Mama.
The picture board book, "Your Baby's First Word Will Be Dada," was published by Feiwel and Friends, an imprint of Macmillan Children's Publishing Group. The book was inspired by Fallon's daughter, Winnie Rose. Her first word was "Mama!"
"This is one of the few celebrity books that you can tell was actually written by the celebrity," said Fallon in a news release. "And my baby personally approved of the beautiful artwork by Miguel Ordonez."
The illustrated book follows cows, sheep, horses, even mice and frogs as they do everything they can to get their babies to say that magical first word -- Dada.
"My daughter's first word was "Bot" for bottle, which was a huge disappointment for my husband and I," said Jean Feiwel, publisher of Feiwel and Friends. "Clearly Jimmy's book could have helped. And will help many hundreds of thousands of fathers out there at least have a fighting chance."
Fallon and his wife, Nancy, live in Manhattan with Winnie Rose, born in July 2013.
"Your Baby's First Word Will Be Dada" is $16.99 and can be found at local bookstores or on amazon.com.
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