Members of Oceanside High School's Class of 2013 dance at...

Members of Oceanside High School's Class of 2013 dance at Warehouse 5 in Island Park during the "Dawn Delirium" after-prom party. (June 25, 2013) Credit: Tara Conry

Although it’s only April, chances are most high school students are already thinking about the upcoming prom season – which likely means that many of the parents of said students also have the big galas on their radar – and not just the actual events, but any intended after-prom adventures their kids may be planning as well.

Naturally, concerns for both prom-goers and their guardians involve any subsequent destinations – as the specters of alcohol, unsafe locations and other unsupervised hazards lurk within such notorious follow-ups as illegally rented houses, bars that bend policies and the near-legendary “stop at the beach” move. However, there are definite and stable options available offering grownup good times that don't involve adult beverages.

One possibility is the long-running after-prom package offered by the comedy clubs that fall under the Governors banner. As it turns out, the true Governor’s in Levittown is one of three spots that form a single company, with the other two being The Brokerage in Bellmore and McGuire’s in Bohemia. The three all provide the same deal, which includes admission to a show, as well as unlimited soft drinks and snacks. Each cost $30 per person (or $25 each for groups of 30 or more), and for further details all three clubs can be reached via the same email address and website (,, but have separate phone numbers (Governor’s: 516-731-3358; The Brokerage: 516-781-5233; McGuire’s: 631-467-5413).

On the other hand, if you (and possibly some other dads and moms) can round up a group of 100 or more – and don't mind serving as chaperones – Skyline Cruises can deliver an after-prom cruise around the Sound. Only parents can make the charter, and the charterers will need to be in attendance for a jaunt that departs from Port Washington to tour the waters of the North Shore, passing by lighthouses and mansions. A DJ and dance space will be provided, and dining menus are also available; for more information, reach out to

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