"Elbow Grease," by John Cena, features a family of monster...

"Elbow Grease," by John Cena, features a family of monster trucks. Credit: Penguinerandomhouse.com

Fans of WWE star John Cena will soon be able to read his children’s books to their kids — Cena will be publishing a line of picture books, beginning with “Elbow Grease” on Oct. 9, 2018.

The books are inspired by Cena’s experiences growing up with four brothers, and feature a family of monster trucks. In “Elbow Grease,” kids will be introduced to a little monster truck with a big problem, according to Random House Books for Young Readers, which is publishing the line. Elbow Grease is smaller than his four brothers — Pinball, Flash, Crash and Tank — and has to prove he has the guts to do big things.

“With ‘Elbow Grease’ and the books to follow, I want to offer a fun and engaging way to learn about the power of ambition, dedication, and heart . . . It’s so important to me to pass the positivity on and help our youngest generation see that the right mindset is the key to achievement,” Cena said in a news release.

In addition to picture books, the line will include board books, early reader books and more. “Elbow Grease” is currently available for pre-order.

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