Credit: Kidsday staff artist / Ashton Hopkins, Setauket

Yo-yos are the old, boring toys we forgot about. But when was the last time you really tried to do cool tricks with a yo-yo? They can actually be quite cool for a variety of reasons.

You can do some crazy things with a yo-yo if you know what you are doing. All it takes is time, practice and hard work.

There are basically three types of yo-yos for you to choose from: responsive, semiresponsive, and unresponsive. A responsive yo-yo, when you throw it down, it comes straight back up at you. With a semiresponsive yo-yo, when you throw it down and let it spin, you have to tug on the string, then it comes back at you. An unresponsive yo-yo will never come up unless you do a special trick called a bind.

GETTING STARTED I think you should always start with a responsive yo-yo because it is the easiest to master and the most basic. Also, never start with an expensive yo-yo because when you start you are a bit reckless and may break it.

GETTING BETTER As you get better, you may want to get a semiresponsive. At this point, you need a better yo-yo with more capabilities.

GOING PRO If you have a true passion for yo-yoing, you will invest in the best kind of yo-yo, and that is an unresponsive yo-yo.

How does a yo-yo work? Well, there are five key elements to a yo-yo: the yo-yo itself, the bearing, string, axle and silicone pads. All yo-yo components rely on each other. If one piece is missing, the whole thing won’t work.

The bearing is the most essential part that makes the yo-yo spin while you do tricks. The best bearing on the market is a self-centered ceramic 8-balled sealed bearing. These bearings cost between $25 and $35.

Yo-yos are cool, fun and have endless possibilities.

Allison Krieb and Mike MacKenzie’s sixth-grade class, Longwood Middle School, Middle Island


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