Idea of the month: Thank-You cards, simplified

Need to write hundreds of thank-yous for guests who attended your wedding? Head on over to, where you can simplify the process of writing and sending cards to all of your guests. Credit:
You've said your vows, danced the night away and celebrated with family and friends on your wedding night. Now it's time to thank your guests for everything they've done for you. The problem is there are 200 of them and only one of you. How do you find the time to write something sentimental and sweet to every single person?
We all know that sending a (gasp) printed thank-you card defies wedding etiquette. No guest wants to see a typed note from the bride. But there may be a new way to beat the system, and it comes in the form of a website. allows you to fill in the addresses from your guest list into an online address book. Then, with hundreds of cards to choose from, you can select an illustration that best matches the details from your wedding day. From there, you can type up the basics of a thank-you, which you can go into and adjust personally for each particular guest. The coolest part by far is that you get to choose an actual handwritten font -- so that when someone receives their card, the last thing it looks like is that it was typed up on a computer. With a list of sample fonts, you can match it as closely to your own actual handwriting. Your guests will never realize that their handwritten note is, well, anything but handwritten. Bonus points: They will even send it straight to your guests, therefore saving you a trip to the post office.
It's a genius idea, and can save you a lot of time -- and hand-cramping!