"Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience," a projection program focused...

"Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience," a projection program focused on the work of iconic artist Vincent Van Gogh, is coming to Samanea New York in Westbury. Credit: Timothy Norris/Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience

Long Islanders will get the chance to step into the work of a legendary artist when the “Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience” traveling exhibition arrives in Nassau County this fall.

The experience nods to more than 300 paintings by iconic Post-Impressionism artist Vincent Van Gogh, but unlike an art museum, the works will be projected onto walls and screens. Surrounding the space with images, the exhibition lets guests become one with his paintings.

Artwork will also be animated at times, turning Van Gogh's efforts into moving versions that wriggle and swirl in all directions. The display in its entirety will take up more than 30,000 square feet when it opens Nov. 18 in Samanea New York, the retail space formerly known as The Mall at The Source in Westbury.

“Van Gogh’s work is a natural fit for an experience like this,” explains Fanny Curtat, a member of the creative team of the Paquin Entertainment Group, the company that created the experience. “His work is already filled with light, color and movement,” she continues, adding that one stop in the experience will bring to life "The Starry Night."

The display will be divided into three rooms, starting with the Introduction Hall which uses letters written by Van Gogh to his own brother to help present the artist as a person. You’ll then pass through a portal that connects to the “Immersive” room, where every inch of the floor and walls is coated with animated artwork, spread across the scene by projection mapping.

“Van Gogh wanted nothing more than to communicate the joy and the beauty he saw in the world,” notes Curtat, who says that while some may remember Van Gogh for the darker moments of his life — such as living in poverty and the cutting of his own ear — this program is focused on the lights and colors he intended to show in his work. “Hopefully, people will get to discover Vincent and his work in a different way.”

For those wondering if this experience is a redux of the Van Gogh show that appeared in Manhattan last year, show producer Justin Paquin of The Paquin Entertainment Group says it’s not, adding that one major difference is an ‘Education Room’ which tells the story of the painter’s life.

"Beyond Van Gogh" will not be a permanent tenant, as it’s slated to get back on the road after Jan. 8, 2023. It previously traveled the Western Hemisphere, taking place in several cities across North, Central and South America. 

Long Islanders will get the chance to step into the work of a legendary artist when the “Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience” traveling exhibition arrives in Nassau County this fall.

The experience nods to more than 300 paintings by iconic Post-Impressionism artist Vincent Van Gogh, but unlike an art museum, the works will be projected onto walls and screens. Surrounding the space with images, the exhibition lets guests become one with his paintings.

Artwork will also be animated at times, turning Van Gogh's efforts into moving versions that wriggle and swirl in all directions. The display in its entirety will take up more than 30,000 square feet when it opens Nov. 18 in Samanea New York, the retail space formerly known as The Mall at The Source in Westbury.

“Van Gogh’s work is a natural fit for an experience like this,” explains Fanny Curtat, a member of the creative team of the Paquin Entertainment Group, the company that created the experience. “His work is already filled with light, color and movement,” she continues, adding that one stop in the experience will bring to life "The Starry Night."

The display will be divided into three rooms, starting with the Introduction Hall which uses letters written by Van Gogh to his own brother to help present the artist as a person. You’ll then pass through a portal that connects to the “Immersive” room, where every inch of the floor and walls is coated with animated artwork, spread across the scene by projection mapping.

“Van Gogh wanted nothing more than to communicate the joy and the beauty he saw in the world,” notes Curtat, who says that while some may remember Van Gogh for the darker moments of his life — such as living in poverty and the cutting of his own ear — this program is focused on the lights and colors he intended to show in his work. “Hopefully, people will get to discover Vincent and his work in a different way.”

For those wondering if this experience is a redux of the Van Gogh show that appeared in Manhattan last year, show producer Justin Paquin of The Paquin Entertainment Group says it’s not, adding that one major difference is an ‘Education Room’ which tells the story of the painter’s life.

"Beyond Van Gogh" will not be a permanent tenant, as it’s slated to get back on the road after Jan. 8, 2023. It previously traveled the Western Hemisphere, taking place in several cities across North, Central and South America. 

“Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience”

WHEN | WHERE Samanea New York: 1500 Old Country Road, Westbury

COST Tickets are on sale at vangoghlongisland.com. Admission starts at $45.99, $29.99 for ages 5-15.


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